
Articles Tagged: home working

Stay Home Heroes Campaign

29.4.2020 | Tags: home working, Gary Salter, Marco Mori, George Logan, Jack Terry, Charity

What better way to show our capabilities of working from home with a whole new campaign of images, shot for a great initiative, encouraging people to protect the NHS by being "Stay Home Heroes".

Home Working #5 - Wilson Hennessy

24.4.2020 | Tags: home working

Wilson Hennessy has mostly been at home playing with Lego these past couple of weeks. And we love the results! Shot for Top Gear Magazine. All Model making by Wil himself (with a little assistance from his two kids).

Home Working #4 - Jack Terry

21.4.2020 | Tags: Jack Terry, Lifestyle, home working

It's amazing what you can do using only the locations and people you're locked down with. Jack Terry has three models and a host of locations at his disposal, and all without leaving the house.

Home Working #3 - Phil Sills

20.4.2020 | Tags: Drink, home working

Phil Sills is known for liking a drink and now he’s doing it at home. Rather than being the beginning of a worrying habit, in these lockdown days, it makes a lot of sense and this latest shows what he’s able to achieve working from his home studio. Click here to see the BTS.

Home Working #2 - Morten Borgestad

7.4.2020 | Tags: Morten Borgestad, home working

7th April 2020, Norway says that its coronavirus outbreak is 'under control' after a dramatic fall in the rate at which new people have become infected. It made us ask our Morten Borgestad, based in Oslo, how the situation is there in terms of shooting.

Home Working #1 - Additive CGI

7.4.2020 | Tags: Additive, CGI, home working

Whilst some people are filling in isolation time by knitting, as usual Additive have gone one better and are instead “CG knitting”; we were hoping for a woolly hat or gloves, but we got a hand grenade instead. It does however demonstrate that they can work to 100% of their normal capabilities without going out the front door, whether it’s still life like this knitting series, or “outdoors” using the latest photogrammetry landscapes.  See more of what they can do from their living room here.

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